Secrets of a Sun King - Learning Sequence

Year 3
Secrets of a Sun King - Learning Sequence
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The learning sequence for "Secrets of a Sun King" provides a comprehensive unit overview for exploring the novel over a six-week period. In the initial weeks, the sequence encourages students to employ a word detective grid to decipher the meanings of unfamiliar words and to make predictions about the story using a clues and evidence grid. As they delve into the first three chapters, students focus on the protagonist, Lil, by inferring her thoughts and actions, particularly why she sneaks off to her grandfather's place and decides to open a mysterious box. This involves mapping out events, analysing Lil's character through various activities such as thought bubbles, and group discussions to understand her motivations and personality.

Moving through the middle weeks, the sequence guides students to further engage with the text, examining Lil's reactions to her grandfather's hospitalisation and the unfolding mystery of an ancient curse. Chapter by chapter, students are prompted to chart Lil's emotional journey, analyse key events, and express her thoughts and feelings through diary entries and 'show not tell' exercises. They also engage in role-play to deepen their understanding of character interactions and dialogue. As the unit progresses, students explore the setting of Egypt, debate ethical questions related to historical discoveries, and reflect on the characters' emotions and motivations through a variety of creative and analytical tasks. The final weeks culminate in students evaluating the story's resolution, discussing the characters' development, and expressing their own views on the ending of the novel.

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