Secrets of a Sun King - Learning Objectives

Year 3
Secrets of a Sun King - Learning Objectives
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The learning objectives for Year 3 students in Autumn Term 2 are centered around the core text "Secrets of a Sun King," with a thematic link to the history of the Egyptians. In the realm of spoken language, the objectives are designed to enhance students' ability to articulate opinions with supporting reasons, listen to and consider others' viewpoints, and employ Standard English in expressing their thoughts.

Reading objectives focus on deep comprehension skills, such as identifying the plot and inferring characters' feelings and thoughts from their actions and dialogue. Students are encouraged to explain characters' behaviors and speech as a window into their inner worlds, use context to decipher unfamiliar words, and employ questioning and dictionary skills for clarification. They will also learn to recognize language indicative of the book's setting, whether historical, cultural, or social, and to articulate and explain their personal responses to the text.

When it comes to writing, students will learn to plot events using a planning format, choose vocabulary thoughtfully, and delve into character development through dialogue and actions. They will plan openings and closings for their texts, understand narrative structure, and group events or information into coherent sections. Additionally, they will be taught to assess and improve their writing through proofreading.

The objectives for grammar and vocabulary include using complex sentences and the past perfect tense, understanding the role of direct speech in character development and narrative progression, and making informed choices about sentence structure. Students will also learn to use conjunctions, adverbs, and prepositions to express time and sequence in their writing.

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