Spellings - Set 9 PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Spellings - Set 9 PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

AI generated

Set 9 of the Spellings PowerPoint provides a sequence of exercises aimed at enhancing students' proficiency in writing particular words. The task involves filling in the blanks with the correct spellings within given sentences. For example, students must complete the sentence "Harrison’s poem did not ________________." with the word 'rhyme'. Another sentence to be completed is "In the distance, I could hear the ________________ of the drums," where the word 'rhythm' is to be used. The activity continues with various other words, such as 'sacrifice', 'secretary', 'shoulder', 'signature', 'sincere', 'soldier', 'stomach', and 'sufficient', each fitting into its respective context.

The PowerPoint is also equipped with a Spelling Script for Teachers, which provides the correct answers and assists in guiding the students through the exercise. For instance, the teacher would inform the students that the correct word to complete the sentence "The school ________________ sent the newsletter home." is 'secretary'. This script serves as a reference for educators to ensure that each word is spelled correctly as students engage in the activity. The resource is designed to support the development of spelling skills, with a focus on words that may commonly cause confusion or be challenging to spell.

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