Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 2 - Roald Dahl Worksheet

Year 3 - Year 4
Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 2 - Roald Dahl Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The second lesson in a unit focusing on biography and autobiography invites students to explore the life of the renowned author Roald Dahl. The worksheet provided for this lesson features a spider diagram, a visual tool designed to organise information effectively. Students are prompted to jot down everything they know about Roald Dahl within this diagram. This activity encourages them to recall and compile facts, anecdotes, and key details about Dahl's life, from his childhood experiences to his prolific writing career. The spider diagram serves as both a brainstorming exercise and a means to visually map out their existing knowledge about this literary figure.

By engaging with this task, students are not only expected to demonstrate their prior knowledge but also to prepare for deeper learning about Roald Dahl. The information gathered in the spider diagram will likely include his famous works, such as 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and 'Matilda', along with his unique writing style and contributions to children's literature. It may also touch upon his personal history, like his service in the Royal Air Force during World War II, and how his life experiences influenced his storytelling. This exercise sets the stage for further investigation into Dahl's biography and the art of autobiographical writing.