Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 2 - Roald Dahl Check Understanding Worksheet

Year 3 - Year 4
Biography and Autobiography - Lesson 2 - Roald Dahl Check Understanding Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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This worksheet is designed to assess students' knowledge of the famous author Roald Dahl, focusing on his life and works. The first question prompts students to recall the dates of Roald Dahl's birth and death, providing a timeline of his existence. In the second question, learners are asked to list three different occupations that Dahl held throughout his life, highlighting the varied experiences that may have influenced his writing.

Further questions delve into Dahl's literary career, with students being tasked to identify the period when his stories began to rise in popularity. They are also asked to name three of his books, showcasing their familiarity with his bibliography. To gain insight into Dahl's creative process, the worksheet inquires about the location where Dahl penned his stories and describes what a typical day of writing looked like for him. This exercise not only checks students' understanding of factual information but also encourages them to appreciate the discipline and environment that contributed to the creation of Dahl's beloved stories.