Wonder Lesson 9: Jack, Will, Julian and Charlotte - Word warm-up: Formal and Informal Style

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 9: Jack, Will, Julian and Charlotte - Word warm-up: Formal and Informal Style
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
AI generated

In an English teaching resource designed to help students distinguish between formal and informal language styles, a word warm-up worksheet is presented. The activity encourages pupils to sort given phrases and sentences into two categories: formal and informal. Examples of formal expressions include polite and structured sentences such as "It's a pleasure to meet you," and requests phrased respectfully like "Please, come this way," or "If you could be kind enough to…" These demonstrate a level of courtesy and decorum often expected in professional or official settings.

On the other hand, the worksheet provides instances of informal language, which are more relaxed and colloquial, suitable for casual conversations with friends or family. Phrases like "Hia!" and "That's awesome," as well as directives such as "Quick, follow me," exemplify this laid-back style. Additionally, the worksheet prompts students to contribute their own examples of formal and informal phrases, and to identify such expressions within a given chapter, reinforcing their understanding of the context in which different language styles are appropriate.

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