Wonder Lesson 9: Jack, Will, Julian and Charlotte - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 9: Jack, Will, Julian and Charlotte - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson 9 of the English Teaching Resources focuses on exploring the characters Jack, Will, Julian, and Charlotte from the book 'Wonder'. During the class, students are encouraged to read and discuss pages 19-23 of the novel, utilising their 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to note down and learn new vocabulary. This approach not only enhances their understanding of the text but also expands their lexicon. The lesson is designed to be interactive and engaging, with the aim of deepening the students' comprehension of the characters and their interactions within the story.

An interesting activity included in this lesson is the 'Word warm-up', which aims to teach students about formal and informal language. Students are tasked with sorting phrases and sentences into formal and informal categories, which helps them understand how language choices can vary depending on the context and audience. Additionally, the lesson involves a creative 'Freeze framing' exercise where students work in groups to act out key scenes from the chapter. This activity not only brings the text to life but also allows students to explore the characters' emotions and thoughts, contrasting their internal dialogues with their spoken words. The lesson provides a dynamic way for students to engage with literature and develop their language skills.