Wonder Lesson 11: The Deal and Home - Comprehension Worksheet 2

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 11: The Deal and Home - Comprehension Worksheet 2
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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An English comprehension worksheet from a teaching resource focuses on the chapters titled "The Deal and Home," encouraging students to delve into the narrative and the characters' emotions. The worksheet poses a series of questions designed to assess the students' understanding of the text and to prompt them to consider the motivations and feelings of the characters. For instance, students are asked why certain characters remained by the door and to interpret the reason behind a character's disappointment. Additionally, the worksheet explores the use of the word 'tugging' to infer the emotions of a character named August at a particular moment in the story.

The worksheet culminates with a reflective question that requires students to step into August's shoes and contemplate whether they would share his desire to attend school after a school tour, as revealed at the end of the chapter. Students are encouraged to support their answer with evidence from the text, demonstrating their comprehension and analytical skills. This exercise not only tests their understanding of the plot but also helps develop empathy and critical thinking by considering different perspectives and making text-based inferences.