Wonder Lesson 11: The Deal and Home - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 11: The Deal and Home - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson 11 of the English teaching resources focuses on the comprehension and vocabulary development of students, using pages 31-34 of the book 'Wonder'. During class, students are encouraged to read and discuss these pages together, while also adding new words to their 'Wonder Dictionary' to bolster their vocabulary. The lesson also includes a 'word warm-up' activity that delves into the different tenses used in speech and writing, specifically looking at past, present, and future tenses. Students are asked to identify the tense in which 'Wonder' has been written so far and to find examples of past tense verbs within the text. Furthermore, they are tasked with converting verbs from the story into their past and present forms and using them in sentences to demonstrate their understanding of tenses.

The comprehension component of the lesson invites students to engage deeply with the text by reflecting on how they would feel in the protagonist August's situation, wanting to attend school after a tour. This is followed by a series of questions that prompt students to think critically about the characters' motivations and emotions. They explore why certain characters acted in particular ways, the meaning behind their actions, and the implications of specific word choices, such as 'tugging'. The activity aims to enhance students' inference skills and comprehension by asking them to use evidence from the text to support their answers. Additionally, the lesson covers the understanding of pronouns, phrases like 'lost track of time', character opinions, and identifying character traits based on their actions within the narrative.