The Magic Finger - Lesson 8: The Ending - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
The Magic Finger - Lesson 8: The Ending - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In the final stages of an English lesson focusing on Roald Dahl's 'The Magic Finger', students are tasked with concluding their reading of the book and demonstrating their comprehension of the story. The objectives are twofold: to read to the end of the book and test understanding through discussion and to express creativity by either creating a storyboard or designing a new book cover for the story. Students are encouraged to ponder the fate of the Gregg family, the reasons behind their change of heart, and speculate on the future of the Coopers, thereby engaging with the text on a deeper level.

The lesson continues with a 'Got the Plot?' worksheet, where students fill in the blanks to recount the story's ending, focusing on the transformation of the Gregg family and their newfound respect for nature. Additionally, pupils have the opportunity to channel their artistic skills into a comic strip that captures the essence of the story's climax. For those with a flair for design, the task of creating a new book cover for 'The Magic Finger' awaits. This activity calls for the inclusion of essential elements such as the title, author's name, a captivating front cover illustration, and a blurb along with illustrations and price on the back cover, allowing students to imagine themselves as designers bringing a classic tale to life.

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