The Magic Finger - Lesson 8: The Ending - Worksheets

Year 3 - Year 4
The Magic Finger - Lesson 8: The Ending - Worksheets
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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As part of a comprehensive English teaching resource, a lesson plan for "The Magic Finger" by Roald Dahl includes creative worksheets designed to deepen students' understanding of the book's conclusion. One such activity is the 'Got the Plot?' worksheet, which encourages children to engage with the story's ending by filling in missing words to summarise the plot. This exercise helps them to recall key events and characters, such as Mr. Gregg's promise and the transformation that follows, leading to a resolution where the Gregg family experiences a change of heart towards hunting and adopts a new, more animal-friendly lifestyle.

Another engaging task is the 'Comic Strip Worksheet', which allows students to reinterpret the final pages of the book into a visual narrative. This creative assignment not only tests their comprehension of the story but also encourages them to express their understanding through art. Additionally, the 'Design a Book Cover Worksheet' invites students to tap into their imagination and design skills by creating a new cover for "The Magic Finger". This task not only fosters artistic expression but also offers an opportunity to discuss the themes and messages of the story, encapsulating them in a single, impactful design.

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