Inspired by: Good Knight, Sleep Tight - Medium Term Plan

Year 2
Inspired by: Good Knight, Sleep Tight - Medium Term Plan
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In the second year of primary education, students embark on a literary adventure with the module "Good Knight, Sleep Tight," inspired by David Melling's book published by Hodder Children's Books. Over the course of six weeks, they delve into various aspects of English literacy, from comprehension and composition to grammar and punctuation. During the first week, the objective is to develop inference skills by interpreting actions and dialogue within the story. This is complemented by narrative writing exercises that draw from personal and fictional experiences, and the introduction of subordination and coordination in sentence construction. Teacher ideas for this week include exploring themes like 'A New Princess' and 'The Hardest, Flattest Pillow,' which encourage creative thinking and application of the new grammatical concepts.

As the weeks progress, the curriculum builds on story engagement through listening, discussing, and retelling, with an emphasis on expanding vocabulary and the use of comparative suffixes like –er and –est. Poetic appreciation and recitation are also key components, fostering a love for rhythm and intonation, and the transformation of adjectives into adverbs using the –ly suffix. The fourth week focuses on the joy of language, encouraging students to express themselves clearly and enhance their descriptions with expanded noun phrases. Proof-reading becomes an important skill in the fifth week, where students also learn about the use of apostrophes for contractions. The module concludes with an exploration of recurring literary language in stories and poetry, proof-reading for accuracy, and the formation of adjectives with suffixes such as –ful and –less. Teacher ideas for these weeks include engaging activities like 'A Horse’s Tale,' 'Slinky Shadows Curling,' and 'Perfectly Peaceful,' which not only consolidate learning but also spark imagination and creativity.