Which materials keep us warm? - Worksheets

Year 1
Which materials keep us warm? - Worksheets
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

Worksheets designed to explore the thermal properties of materials pose thought-provoking questions about everyday items and the reasons behind their ability to keep us warm. One of the key questions students are encouraged to ponder is "Why does my coat make me feel warmer?" This question leads to a discussion about the composition of the coat, prompting the inquiry, "What is my coat made of?" Such questions aim to make students aware of the materials in their immediate environment, referred to as the materials that are around us.

Another important learning point on the worksheets is identifying which materials possess insulating properties that contribute to warmth. Students are invited to consider and list materials that have the ability to retain heat, effectively keeping us warm. This educational resource, provided by Focus Education (UK) Ltd, is designed to enhance students' understanding of the relationship between materials and their functions, particularly in the context of thermal insulation and warmth.