Nutrition - PowerPoint

Year 3
Nutrition - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Science Resource Description

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The concept of nutrition is introduced to Year 3 students as part of their science curriculum on "Animals, including humans." The educational resources explain that all living beings require food and water to survive, much like a car needs fuel. Food contains essential nutrients that the body uses to function effectively. To help students understand the topic better, they are encouraged to watch an informative video on nutrition. Additionally, they are given an interactive task to draw their favourite foods on a plate, which is part of a worksheet designed to stimulate discussion about popular foods and the nutrients they contain.

Further exploring the subject, the teaching resources delve into the different food groups and their significance in maintaining good health. Students learn about the roles of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals in growth, energy, and overall well-being. They are taught how to classify foods into their main groups and the importance of a balanced diet, which includes a mixture of foods in the correct proportions. The 'eatwell plate' is introduced as a guide to achieving this balance, suggesting that each meal should consist of one-third fruit and vegetables, one-third starchy carbohydrates, and the remaining third should be split between dairy, protein, and a small amount of fat. The students are then asked to plan a balanced lunchbox meal using this model. The lesson also covers the diets of animals, distinguishing between carnivores and herbivores, and includes a research task to investigate the eating habits of various animals.

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