Plant Growth (Light and Water) - Presentation

Year 3
Plant Growth (Light and Water) - Presentation
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The presentation on 'Plant Growth (Light and Water)' delves into the essential elements required for the healthy growth of plants, with a focus on the process of photosynthesis. It begins by posing a reflective question: Can students explain why plants need air, light, and water for healthy growth? The session aims to impart knowledge about photosynthesis, the vital process through which plants synthesise their own food using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide from the air. An anecdote is shared about a spider plant that withered due to lack of sunlight and water, emphasizing the importance of these elements in plant survival and growth.

Experiments are introduced to further explore the role of light and water in photosynthesis. Students are asked to consider the effect of different light colours on plant growth, learning that plants primarily use red and blue light for photosynthesis and reflect green light, which is why they appear green. Another investigation prompts students to assess the impact of various liquids on plant growth, highlighting that while all liquids contain water, additional chemicals may be harmful to plants. Through these activities, students are encouraged to engage with the concept of photosynthesis and understand the consequences of a lack of air, light, and water on plant growth, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental needs of plants.