Weather Around the World - Results Tables

Year 1
Weather Around the World - Results Tables
AI generated

The first series of tables are designed to explore the effect of wind on the evaporation rate of water. Specifically, they investigate how quickly a puddle will disappear under the influence of different types of wind created by a hand fan, a battery fan, and a hairdryer. Each table includes a column for the number of water drops, ranging from one to five, and subsequent columns to record the effects of each wind-generating method. The aim is to provide a visual representation and comparative analysis of how wind speed and type can affect the rate of water evaporation.

In contrast, the second set of tables focuses on meteorological data across the UK, detailing total rainfall in millimetres, average temperature in degrees Celsius, and total sunshine in hours. The tables are structured to present this information for the United Kingdom as a whole, as well as for its individual countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Additionally, there are tables that present predictions and actual data for the wettest, sunniest, and warmest months of the year, offering a monthly breakdown from January to December. This information is crucial for understanding regional climatic patterns and for educational purposes in comparing the diverse weather conditions experienced throughout the UK. Finally, observations of a solar furnace are recorded in another set of tables, which track the temperature in degrees Celsius over time, providing insight into the performance and efficiency of solar energy collection.