Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Halving and doubling odd and even numbers (2)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Halving and doubling odd and even numbers (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 3 maths lesson from Max Maths, students explore the concepts of halving and doubling with a focus on odd and even numbers. The lesson provides a practical example where Han demonstrates how to mentally halve an even number. To illustrate, Han takes the even number 68 and breaks it down into smaller, more manageable parts: 60 plus 8. By halving each part separately—30 plus 4 and 30 plus 4—he combines the results to find that half of 68 is 34. This method reinforces the understanding that halving an even number results in a whole number, and Han notes that both 68 and 34 are even numbers.

The 'Let’s Try It' section invites students to apply their learning by doubling and halving numbers using counting blocks as visual aids. For example, they are asked to double the number 22. By arranging counting blocks in pairs, students can visually comprehend the concept of doubling. The exercise is designed to help them recognise patterns in numbers, such as how doubling an even number results in another even number. Through these hands-on activities, students gain confidence in their ability to work with even numbers and the operations of halving and doubling.