Max Maths, Year 2, Try it, Addition within 100 with regrouping (2)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Try it, Addition within 100 with regrouping (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 2 curriculum, students are introduced to the concept of addition within 100 using regrouping. This particular exercise focuses on adding two-digit numbers together while paying special attention to the tens and ones place values. For example, when adding 37 and 27, children are encouraged to break down the numbers into tens and ones before combining them. This method helps them understand the process of carrying over, or regrouping, when the sum of the ones exceeds 9. The exercise provides a step-by-step approach, starting with the addition of ones, followed by the tens, and finally combining both to find the total sum.

The 'Let's Practise' section offers students the opportunity to apply this method to several problems. They begin with adding 19 and 18, then proceed to 52 plus 29, and finally tackle 46 plus 37. Each problem is broken down into smaller, manageable steps to ensure students grasp the concept of regrouping. The final step in each problem combines the tens and ones to reveal the answer. This structured approach reinforces the skill of addition with regrouping and prepares students for more complex arithmetic. For further practice and reinforcement, students are directed to workbook pages 42 to 46, where they can find additional exercises and examples to hone their new skills.