The Flower - Learning Objectives

Year 3
The Flower - Learning Objectives
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The learning objectives for Year 3 students during Summer Term 1 revolve around a literacy unit that incorporates the core texts "The Flower" by John Light and "What is Pink?" by Christina Rossetti. This unit is interlinked with science topics, specifically focusing on the parts and functions of plants, their life cycles, and the requirements for growth. The written outcomes from this unit are expected to be diverse, ranging from a retold story enriched with detail and dialogue to creating a fact file or poster about a plant or flower, which can also integrate ICT skills. Students will also explore writing instructions that are connected to science and the growth of plants, as well as recounting experiences such as trips or events.

The objectives for this term are categorized into four key areas: spoken language, reading, writing (composition), and writing (grammar and vocabulary). In spoken language, students will learn to articulate their opinions with reasons and listen to the views of others, using Standard English. The reading objectives focus on understanding the plot, inferring characters' feelings, and analyzing the language used to set the context of a book. Students will also make connections between texts and discuss different forms of poetry. In writing, they are expected to plan and structure narratives effectively, choose vocabulary carefully, and revise their work through proofreading. Finally, in grammar and vocabulary, the objectives include using complex sentences, the past perfect tense, and various linguistic features to show character and sequence events. The reading focus for the term is on "The Child’s Garden of Hope" by Michael Foreman, which will support the thematic learning of the unit.

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