KS2 SATs English Reading - Thoughts and Feelings - PowerPoint

Year 6
KS2 SATs English Reading - Thoughts and Feelings - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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The PowerPoint presentation is aimed at helping Key Stage 2 students prepare for their English Reading Test, specifically focusing on understanding and interpreting characters' thoughts and feelings. The lesson introduces a method for approaching 'Longer Answer' questions, which are also referred to as 'Think and search' questions in the SATs Reading paper. These questions require students to carefully search the text for answers that may span several paragraphs, necessitating inference and deduction skills. The particular question type explored in this session is the 'Thought bubble' question, which invites students to put themselves in a character's position to infer their thoughts and feelings.

Students are walked through an exercise using an extract from L. Frank Baum's "The Wizard of Oz," where they must consider the thoughts and feelings of the Tin Woodman as he watches the Scarecrow being swept away. The presentation provides guidance on how to use evidence from the text to support their ideas, with tips such as underlining important parts of the text and writing in full sentences from the first-person perspective. The lesson also prompts students to reflect on various emotions the character might experience, such as panic, worry, sadness, and the struggle to remain composed. The exercise is designed to enhance the students' analytical and empathetic reading skills, which are crucial for tackling 'Longer Answer' questions effectively.

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