Wonder Lesson 39: Understudy - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 39: Understudy - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In Lesson 39 of the English Teaching Resources, students delve into a focused reading and analysis of pages 228 to 234 of the novel 'Wonder', using their 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to expand their vocabulary and engage with the text's plot, characters, and themes. The lesson encourages class discussion and personal engagement with the material, prompting students to think critically about the content they are reading. This approach not only enhances comprehension but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the literature being studied.

The lesson also includes a 'Word Warm-up' activity aimed at developing students' understanding of word classes. Students are tasked with identifying nouns from a given list and then challenged to convert these nouns into adjectives by adding appropriate suffixes, such as turning 'fury' into 'furious'. Comprehension exercises follow, where students answer questions about the characters' actions and emotions, as well as reflect on personal experiences where they felt deserving of recognition, drawing parallels to a quote from the book. The lesson concludes with an introduction to Part 7 – Miranda, which includes pages 235 to 248, accompanied by the poignant lyrics of Andain's 'Beautiful Things', setting the tone for the next segment of the narrative exploration.

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Part of a lesson by Teacher of Primary