Arithmetic Checklist and Assessment

Year 6
Arithmetic Checklist and Assessment
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
AI generated

The Arithmetic Checklist and Assessment is designed to evaluate a range of mathematical skills in students, primarily focusing on place value, multiplication, division, fractions, and percentages. The checklist is divided into can-do statements, allowing students to self-assess their competencies in specific areas such as identifying the value of digits to three decimal places, ordering and comparing numbers and decimals, and rounding numbers to the required accuracy. It also tests their ability to perform operations with whole numbers and decimals, understand the order of operations, and use efficient methods for multiplication and division. Additionally, students are assessed on their understanding of fractions, including simplification, comparison, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions, as well as their ability to solve problems involving fractions of amounts.

Moreover, the assessment includes exercises related to percentages, where students must find percentages of amounts and use percentages for comparison. The checklist covers finding common percentages such as 10%, 25%, 50%, and 75% of an amount, and recalling equivalences between percentages, simple fractions, and decimals. Place value tasks involve creating the smallest or largest numbers with given digits and understanding the value of digits in different positions within a number. Multiplication and division sections require calculating products and quotients, including working with decimals. In the fractions section, students simplify fractions, compare them using inequality signs, and convert between fractions and decimals. The percentages section asks students to complete a table converting between percentage, decimal, and fraction forms, find specific percentages of amounts, and choose correct statements regarding percentage comparisons. The assessment ensures a comprehensive review of vital arithmetic concepts, preparing students for more advanced mathematical challenges.