Seasonal Change - Risk Assessment

Year 1
Seasonal Change  - Risk Assessment
AI generated

The Primary Science Advisory Service (PZAZ) provides a comprehensive risk assessment for Year 1 teachers planning lessons on Seasonal Change, with a focus on ensuring health and safety during practical activities. Teachers are advised to consult the CLEAPSS or SSERC websites for detailed guidance on handling hazardous substances and conducting safe experiments with children. PZAZ underlines that it is not responsible for any incidents resulting from the use of its resources, which include lesson plans, CPD videos, and risk assessments. The information provided by PZAZ is carefully prepared, reflecting a commitment to accuracy and safety based on current knowledge.

The risk assessment identifies a low-risk profile for the lessons, yet it lists potential hazards such as cuts from glass, slip hazards from liquids, injuries from scissors, puncture wounds from sharp pencils, minor cuts from cut plastic, scalds from hot water, irritation from hairspray, allergic reactions to certain foods, tripping over hairdryer leads, and burns from hairdryers. To mitigate these risks, a series of controls are outlined, including inspecting and discarding damaged thermometers, cleaning up spills, supervising the use of scissors, instructing on safe handling of materials, managing hot water with caution, using hairspray with consideration for those with respiratory conditions, and being mindful of food allergies. Additional precautions include positioning the hairdryer to avoid trip hazards, handling it correctly, and inspecting light bulbs before use. The lesson involving a hairdryer is specifically mentioned, and disposal instructions are provided, although no chemicals or biological matter are used in the activities.