Week 4, lesson 2 Phoneme "e" Grapheme "e" - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 4, lesson 2 Phoneme "e" Grapheme "e" - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan
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In the second lesson of Week 4 during Phonics Phase 2, young learners are introduced to the phoneme "e" and its corresponding grapheme "e". This lesson is specifically designed to help children recognise and pronounce the short "e" sound, as found in familiar words like "egg" and "legs". Engaging activities and visual aids are used to reinforce the association between the sound and the letter, making it easier for children to grasp this fundamental aspect of reading and spelling. The lesson plan likely includes fun and interactive methods to help children remember the sound and its written representation.

One of the key activities in this lesson might involve using imagery or props, such as a picture of an "egg with little legs", to create a memorable link between the phoneme and the grapheme. This visual mnemonic aids in embedding the sound of the letter "e" in the minds of the learners. The repetition of words that contain the target phoneme helps to solidify their understanding and ability to identify the "e" sound in different words. The lesson is crafted to be enjoyable and educational, ensuring that children remain engaged and are able to apply their newly acquired phonetic knowledge in their reading and writing endeavours.