Week 4, lesson 2 Letter formation - "e" - Phonics Phase 2 - Worksheet

Nursery - Reception
Week 4, lesson 2 Letter formation - "e" - Phonics Phase 2 - Worksheet
All Aboard Learning
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In the second lesson of Week 4, young learners are introduced to the concept of tricky words in their phonics journey. The objective of the lesson is to familiarize the children with words that do not conform to regular phonetic rules, sparking excitement as they encounter their first set of tricky words. The lesson begins with a revisiting activity, where children participate in a Flashcards Race, working in teams to quickly identify phonemes from previously learned grapheme/pictophone flashcards, reinforcing their phonetic knowledge.

The teaching segment of the lesson focuses on the words "the", "to", "and", and "is". These are presented as tricky words that may challenge the students due to their unconventional grapheme-phoneme representations. The instructor writes these words on the board, marking them with sound buttons, and guides the children through decoding and blending the sounds. The students then practice counting the sounds in each word and repeat the decoding process. To further practice, the children engage in a 'True or False' activity, where they read phrases written by the teacher and determine their veracity, and a directional game where they run to the wall labeled with the shouted tricky word. The lesson concludes with an application activity, where children sound-talk the tricky words and spell them on mini whiteboards, possibly using phoneme frames to aid their learning. For those ready for an extra challenge, extension activities with magnetic letters and printing are available.