Week 2, lesson 3 Phoneme "n" Grapheme "n" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 2, lesson 3 Phoneme "n" Grapheme "n" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
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The phonics lesson for Week 2, Lesson 3, is designed to teach young learners about the phoneme "n" and its corresponding grapheme "n". This lesson is a part of the Phonics Phase 2 curriculum and is structured to incorporate a variety of activities to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the sound and its representation in written form. The lesson begins with an introduction that sets the stage for learning, followed by a 'Back to Menu' option, allowing for easy navigation throughout the presentation.

As the lesson progresses, the 'REVISIT' section includes a 'Quickdash' activity, which is a fast-paced game aimed at revising previously learned phonemes. Moving on to the 'TEACH' part, the lesson introduces the "n" sound in more depth, with subsequent slides providing further explanation and examples. The 'PRACTISE' section includes activities such as 'Sound Count', which helps solidify the learners' understanding of the "n" sound and its usage in words. Finally, the lesson concludes with an 'APPLY' segment, where students can apply their knowledge in practical scenarios, followed by a closing 'Back to Menu' link that signifies the end of the lesson. The presentation is thoughtfully laid out over ten slides, each serving a specific purpose in the teaching and learning process of the "n" phoneme and grapheme.