Week 2, lesson 3 Letter formation - "n" - Phonics Phase 2 - Worksheet

Nursery - Reception
Week 2, lesson 3 Letter formation - "n" - Phonics Phase 2 - Worksheet
All Aboard Learning
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In the second week of Phonics Phase 2, lesson 3 focuses on the letter formation of "n". This particular session is designed to help young learners recognise and practice writing the lowercase "n". The worksheet provided is a hands-on tool for children to solidify their understanding of the letter, its sound, and how it is used in words. The activity is straightforward; students are presented with multiple instances of the letter "n" and are encouraged to trace and write it repeatedly to gain confidence in their letter formation skills.

Additionally, the worksheet includes an engaging activity where children are asked to circle images that start with the /n/ sound. This not only reinforces the sound associated with the letter "n" but also aids in vocabulary development by connecting the letter to actual objects and words that begin with that sound. It's an interactive way to strengthen phonemic awareness and ensure that students are able to recognise the "n" sound in different contexts. The worksheet is an excellent resource from the "All Aboard Phonics - Phase 2 Teacher Manual" for educators to support early literacy development.