Dance - Lesson 5

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 5
Dance - Lesson 5
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In the fifth lesson of a Year 5 dance series, students are introduced to the powerful and emotive world of the Haka, specifically the Ka Mate Haka. The lesson's learning objective is for pupils to learn and rehearse a choreographed dance phrase based on this traditional Maori war dance. Success criteria include the ability to explore, repeat, and link a variety of movements and patterns with coordination, as well as following a choreographed dance phrase that embodies the characteristics of a traditional Haka. Key vocabulary terms such as 'phrase', 'gesture', 'haka', 'unison', 'canon', and 'repetition' are highlighted to enrich the students' understanding of dance terminology. To facilitate the lesson, 15 gymnastic mats are required, and the warm-up involves rhythm exercises where the class teacher uses percussion to set a beat for the pupils to mirror with their bodies.

The main part of the lesson spans 30 minutes, where the class teacher reminds pupils of the Haka and introduces them to the Ka Mate Haka chant, which includes a leader and team response structure. Students learn the words and corresponding movements, with variations allowing for the use of either the English translation or the Maori words. Key teaching points include adopting a fierce facial expression, puffing out the chest, bending the knees, stamping feet, and making strong arm movements in unison. Leadership opportunities are provided for confident pupils to demonstrate these expressions and gestures. The lesson progresses with pupils rehearsing the choreography for the Haka and working in groups to add new elements to their dance phrases. The cool-down segment revisits the 'Beats' activity from the warm-up and includes stretching and breathing exercises to relax the body after the high-energy dance practice.