Examples of smaller setup - Outdoor and Adventurous Activities

Physical Education
Year 9
Examples of smaller setup - Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
PE Resources Bank
PE Resources Bank
AI generated

The outdoor and adventurous activities setup includes a Master Map that is prepared as illustrated. This map represents different courses, each of which is named in honour of a British sporting legend. Participants, likely school pupils, are provided with an Answer Sheet where they are tasked with writing the total for each course. The totals are to be recorded in the correct segment designated for that particular course on the sheet. This activity not only encourages physical engagement and navigation skills but also incorporates an educational element. Pupils are prompted to identify and name the sport associated with each British sporting legend that the courses are named after, potentially expanding their knowledge of British sports history and its notable figures.

The Answer Sheet serves as a key tool in this activity, functioning as a record of the participants' findings and calculations. As they navigate each course, they must determine the relevant totals and ensure these figures are accurately placed in the appropriate segments on the sheet. This exercise not only tests their ability to traverse the course but also their attention to detail and ability to correctly attribute their results. The inclusion of sporting legends adds a layer of cultural learning, prompting pupils to connect the names of the courses with the respective sports and athletes, thereby deepening their appreciation and understanding of British sporting achievements.