Max Maths, Year 5, Try it, Rounding off decimals

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Try it, Rounding off decimals
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In this exercise from the Max Maths Year 5 textbook, students are tasked with rounding off decimal numbers to the nearest whole number. The "Let's Try It" section provides two examples to demonstrate the process. For instance, when rounding off 89.94, students are instructed to look at the digit in the tenths place. Since the tenths digit is 9, which is 5 or more, the number is rounded up to the nearest whole number, resulting in an approximation of 90. Similarly, when rounding off 89.39, the focus is again on the tenths place. Here, the digit is 3, which is less than 5, so the number is rounded down, and the approximation is 89.

The "Let's Practise" section offers a series of decimal numbers for students to round to the nearest whole number, reinforcing the skill learned. The numbers vary in complexity and include measurements with units, such as meters (m) and kilograms (kg), as well as millimeters (mm) and centimeters (cm). Students are expected to apply the same rounding rules to each number, considering the digit in the tenths place to determine whether to round the figure up or down. For example, 1.45 is rounded to 1, 25.6 to 26, 13.2 m to 13 m, and so on. This practice helps to build their confidence and proficiency in handling decimals and understanding the concept of rounding.