Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Rounding off decimals

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Rounding off decimals
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Max Maths' practice exercises for Year 5, students are introduced to the concept of rounding off decimal numbers to the nearest whole number. The 'Let’s Try It' section starts with two examples to guide the students through the process. For the first example, students are asked to round off 89.94. They are instructed to look at the digit in the tenths place, which is a 9. Since this digit is 5 or more, they are taught to round up the number, resulting in an approximation of 90. In the second example, with the number 89.39, the digit in the tenths place is a 3. As this digit is less than 5, students learn to round down, giving an approximation of 89.

The 'Let’s Practise' section provides a series of decimal numbers for students to round to the nearest whole number, reinforcing their understanding of the rounding process. They are presented with various figures such as 1.45, which would round to 1; 25.6, rounding to 26; 13.2 meters, which approximates to 13 meters; and 99.63 kilograms, rounding to 100 kilograms. Additional examples include 11.78, rounding to 12; 2.15, rounding to 2; 68.19 millimeters, which would be approximately 68 millimeters; and 100.05 centimeters, rounding up to 100 centimeters. The exercise aims to provide ample practice for students to become fluent in rounding decimals and is complemented by further activities found on workbook page 163.