Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Addition of more than 2 numbers

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Addition of more than 2 numbers
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

The Max Maths workbook for Year 5 provides a comprehensive practice module on addition and subtraction, with a particular focus on adding more than two numbers. The first practice exercise involves adding counting blocks, where students are encouraged to combine the values step by step. For example, the process starts by adding the first two blocks and then including the third to find the total sum. An example is given where 15, 13, and 10 are added in stages—first adding 15 and 13 to make 28, and then adding the final 10 to reach a total of 38. This methodical approach helps students understand the process of cumulative addition.

Subsequent exercises increase in complexity, with some requiring the addition of four numbers. Students are guided to add the blocks in pairs, and then combine the intermediate sums to find the final total. Another section of the workbook introduces mental addition strategies, such as pairing numbers that sum to 10 for more efficient calculation. For instance, adding 2, 4, 3, and 6 can be simplified by first combining 2 and 8 (from 4 and 4) to make 10, and then adding the remaining 3 to reach 15. Further activities include adding numbers shown on tiles and more extensive addition problems that require showing the working out process. The workbook also incorporates problem-solving exercises, such as finding the total height of stacks of blocks by adding their individual heights, reinforcing the practical application of addition in real-world scenarios.