Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Addition of more than 2 numbers (1)

Maths Resource Description
In a Year 5 mathematics lesson focused on addition, students are invited to explore the concept of adding more than two numbers together. The learning material presents a practical scenario where Jade, Han, and Toby each have a collection of counting blocks. The task for the students is to determine the combined total of counting blocks that all three children possess. The numbers representing the counting blocks are 15, 20, and 7. The lesson guides the students through the process of addition by combining these figures.
To achieve the total sum, students are encouraged to add the numbers sequentially. The example provided shows how Tya, a character in the lesson, adds Jade and Han's numbers first, resulting in 35, and then includes Toby's number, leading to the final total. By following this method, Tya calculates that the children have 42 counting blocks in total. This step-by-step approach illustrates the ease of handling multiple numbers in addition by breaking down the process into smaller, more manageable sums. The lesson reinforces the foundational arithmetic skill of addition, which is vital for students' mathematical development.