Max Maths, Year 4, Practice, Adding multiples of 10

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Practice, Adding multiples of 10
Max Maths
Max Maths
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The Max Maths resource for Year 4 students provides a straightforward approach to adding multiples of 10. The section titled 'Let’s Learn Together' illustrates how to simplify the process of addition by breaking down the numbers into their single-digit components. For instance, when adding 20, 50, and 80, the exercise demonstrates that by focusing on the digits 2, 5, and 8 and adding them together to make 15, one can easily compute the sum of the multiples of 10 to get 150. This method is applied again with the numbers 10, 60, and 90, where the single digits 1, 6, and 9 are added to reach a total of 16, and thus the sum of the multiples of 10 is 160.

The 'Let’s Practise' section encourages students to apply this technique mentally, with a series of addition problems involving multiples of 10. Students are tasked with adding groups of three numbers, such as 20 + 70 + 30, and others, to reinforce their understanding of the concept. To further enhance their skills, there's a fun game suggested for students to play with a partner. The game involves taking turns to say a number less than 10, aiming to reach a total of 30. The first to achieve this wins a point, and the game continues until one player scores 10 points. This activity not only makes learning addition enjoyable but also helps to solidify the children's ability to quickly add single-digit numbers and their corresponding multiples of 10.

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