Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, 2D shapes with reflective symmetry

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, 2D shapes with reflective symmetry
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a lesson aimed at Year 3 students, the concept of reflective symmetry in 2D shapes is explored through a fun and interactive game played by two characters, Han and Jade. The game involves Han drawing one part of a shape, after which he hands it over to Jade. Jade's task is to complete the shape by using the line of symmetry as her guide. This collaborative exercise not only makes learning about symmetry engaging but also helps students visualise and understand how shapes can be mirrored to form a symmetrical design.

The 'Let's Try It' section of the lesson encourages students to put their understanding of reflective symmetry into practice. Han provides partially drawn shapes, and the students are tasked with completing these shapes by considering where the line of symmetry would lie. This hands-on activity serves to reinforce the concept of symmetry, allowing students to actively participate in the learning process by drawing the missing halves of the shapes to create complete, symmetrical figures. Through this exercise, students develop their spatial awareness and their ability to recognise and apply symmetry in various geometric shapes.

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