Max Maths, Year 2, Practice, Measuring length in centimetres and in metres (1)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Practice, Measuring length in centimetres and in metres (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Year 2 practice section of Max Maths, children are encouraged to develop their measurement skills by estimating and then accurately measuring the length of various everyday objects. The exercise begins with an invitation to 'Let's Practise', where students are asked to make an educated guess, or estimate, about the length of each item before using a ruler to measure the actual length in centimetres. This hands-on activity is designed to enhance their understanding of length and the use of standard units of measurement.

The objects selected for this exercise are familiar to the children, making the task both relatable and engaging. They start with a stapler and a pair of scissors, proceed to estimate and measure a jelly bean, and finally, a spoon. For each item, there is a space provided to write down the estimated length followed by the space for the actual measured length, allowing for a clear comparison between the two. This practical task not only reinforces the concept of measurement but also helps to improve the children's estimation skills, attention to detail, and their ability to handle measuring tools like rulers.