Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Measuring length in centimetres and in metres (2)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Measuring length in centimetres and in metres (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a practical mathematics activity designed for Year 2 students, Padma embarks on a discovery task in her bedroom to measure various objects using a ruler. The focus of the lesson is on understanding how to measure length in centimetres, a fundamental skill in grasping the concept of measurement. Padma carefully uses her ruler to determine the lengths of a comb, a pair of scissors, and a glue stick. Through her measurements, she finds that the comb measures 14 cm in length, making it the longest object among the three. The pair of scissors is not far behind, measuring 12 cm, while the glue stick is the shortest at 7 cm in length.

The activity is visually represented by images of the ruler alongside the objects, providing a clear indication of their respective sizes. This comparison not only helps children visualise and compare lengths but also introduces them to the concept of ordering objects based on size. The image of the ruler with marked centimetres aids in reinforcing the understanding of how to read measurements. The conclusion drawn from the exercise is straightforward: the comb is the longest object, and the pair of scissors, although shorter than the comb, is longer than the glue stick. This hands-on approach to learning measurements is an engaging way for young students to relate mathematical concepts to everyday objects around them.