Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Addition within 100 without regrouping (3)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Addition within 100 without regrouping (3)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In Max Maths for Year 2, students are taught an effective strategy for addition within 100 without regrouping. The method involves breaking down numbers into tens and ones to simplify the process. For instance, when adding 23 and 45, the first step is to separate these numbers into their tens and ones components: 23 becomes 20 (two tens) and 3 (three ones), while 45 becomes 40 (four tens) and 5 (five ones). This step makes it easier for children to see the numbers as separate parts and helps them understand the value of each digit.

Once the numbers are broken down, students then add the ones together, followed by the tens. In our example, 3 ones plus 5 ones equals 8 ones, and 2 tens plus 4 tens equals 6 tens. By combining these sums, the students can easily see that 23 + 45 equals 68. The lesson also includes a practical application, showing how Jade spent $68 on items for her computer. Another example given is Padma, who starts with 7 candies and receives an additional 12 from her mother. By breaking down the number 12 into 10 and 2, and adding the ones first, Padma ends up with 19 candies. The lesson encourages students to practice this method further by referring them to workbook pages 37 to 39, where they can apply their new skills in a variety of exercises.