Max Maths, Year 2, Try it, Addition within 100 without regrouping

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Try it, Addition within 100 without regrouping
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the 'Max Maths' curriculum for Year 2, students are encouraged to practice addition within 100 without the need for regrouping. The 'Let's Try It' activity is designed to help children understand the concept of adding two numbers together by visualising and counting the value of coins or blocks. This hands-on approach makes the abstract concept of addition more concrete and understandable for young learners.

The exercise presents three different addition problems. For example, in question (a), students are asked to add 61 and 34. They begin by representing each number with coins or blocks, then combine them to find the total sum. The process is broken down into simple steps, starting with the visual representation of each number, then moving on to combine the tens and ones separately, and finally, adding these together to find the final answer. Similar steps are followed for questions (b) and (c), with the sums of 23 + 33 and 70 + 15 respectively. This methodical approach helps to build confidence and reinforces the understanding of addition without regrouping, laying a solid foundation for more complex mathematical concepts in the future.