Place value - Place value partitioning - Worksheet

Year 4
Place value - Place value partitioning - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The "Place Value Partitioning" worksheet is an educational resource designed to enhance students' understanding of the place value system for four-digit numbers. The National Curriculum objective is to ensure that children can recognise the place value of each digit in a four-digit number and can identify, represent, and estimate numbers using different representations. To facilitate this learning, the worksheet provides differentiated activities and teaching slides, along with practical resources such as Base 10 blocks and place value counters. The key vocabulary terms for the lesson include "partition," "number," "place value," and "represent."

Through the worksheet exercises, children learn that numbers can be partitioned in various ways. For instance, the number 5,000+300+20+9 can also be represented as 4,000+1,300+10+19. This understanding is essential for future lessons on arithmetic involving four-digit numbers. Students are encouraged to think critically with key questions that prompt them to consider the different ways to exchange hundreds for thousands and tens for hundreds. The worksheets cater to different learning levels, ranging from those working towards expected standards to those capable of greater depth, with tasks that include finding the odd one out among partitioned numbers and performing exchanges to represent numbers differently. The exercises also incorporate reasoning and problem-solving elements, challenging students to compare numbers and explain their reasoning.

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