Place value - Partitioning - Presentation

Year 4
Place value - Partitioning - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Exploring the concept of partitioning numbers is an integral part of understanding place value, and it forms the basis of Lesson 9 in the "Fluency & Reasoning Teaching Slides" series. The lesson begins with a discussion, prompting students to recall what they know about partitioning numbers. Students are then presented with the number 2,674 and shown how it can be broken down into its constituent parts in various ways, such as 2,000 + 600 + 70 + 4 or 2,100 + 500 + 70 + 4. This demonstrates the flexibility in representing numbers and lays the groundwork for deeper comprehension of place value.

Building on this understanding, the lesson introduces activities where students manipulate base 10 blocks to represent numbers differently, reinforcing the concept of exchange within the place value system. For example, they learn that 1,000 can be exchanged for 10 hundreds. Further activities include using part-whole models to represent numbers like 2,644 in multiple ways, and reasoning tasks where students identify the odd one out among different representations of numbers. The lesson culminates in independent work, challenging students to think critically about the numbers they are describing and consider alternative ways to represent them, thereby deepening their grasp of partitioning and place value.

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