Place value - Place value partitioning - Starter

Year 4
Place value - Place value partitioning - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The 'Place value partitioning' starter activity is designed for Year 4 students in their second week of the autumn term, focusing on day four. It begins with a 'Fluent in Four - Revision' section, where students are tasked with a series of calculations to consolidate their understanding of place value and division. The first question prompts students to divide 32 by 4, while another challenges them to divide a number represented as '6 tens and 3 ones' by '3 ones', encouraging them to apply their knowledge of place value in division.

Further exercises require students to engage with a range of mathematical concepts. They are asked to calculate and then represent a number on a number line marked from 0 to 500, drawing an arrow to the correct position. Additionally, they must complete a fact family based on a given multiplication calculation, reinforcing the relationship between multiplication and division. The activity also includes a section on fractions, asking students to identify equivalent fractions. For instance, if they know that 7 times 6 equals 42, they are led to deduce that 7 times 60 equals 420, and from there, they fill in the blanks to complete related multiplication and division sentences. This comprehensive starter activity serves to strengthen the students' arithmetic skills, their understanding of number relationships, and their ability to reason mathematically.

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