Multiplication and division - Divide by 10 - Presentation
Maths Resource Description
In a mathematics lesson focused on division, students revisit the concept of dividing by 10. The lesson is structured to reinforce their understanding of the ten times table and its associated division facts. Students are encouraged to recall three division facts related to the ten times table as a warm-up exercise. The lesson then progresses to practical applications of this concept, using real-world examples such as dividing apples and lemons into packs or bags of ten. The activities are designed to help students visualise division by 10 through the use of bar models, where they label and explain each part of the model to demonstrate their understanding of how many packs or bags can be made from a given number.
Further activities include scenarios where students must calculate the number of 10p coins that add up to a certain amount of money, such as 70p or 90p, reinforcing the link between multiplication and division. The lesson also features exercises where students fill in missing numbers in division equations, such as determining how many groups of ten are in larger numbers. Reasoning tasks challenge students to explore different ways of dividing by 10, including sharing cupcakes equally between tables and packing cakes into boxes. The lesson concludes with independent work where students read clues, solve problems, and explain their reasoning, along with a discussion about the patterns observed when circling multiples of ten on a hundred square.