Place value - Count in 50s - Worksheet

Year 3
Place value - Count in 50s - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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This worksheet is designed to help children master counting in increments of 50, a key mathematical skill aligned with the National Curriculum objective to count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50, and 100. To ensure children understand the concept thoroughly, the worksheet provides differentiated activities that cater to varying levels of proficiency, from those just starting to grasp the idea to those who are ready for more complex reasoning questions. The exercises encourage students to recognise patterns and understand the relationship between the 5 times table and multiples of 50, as they practice counting forwards and backwards from any given multiple of 50.

The worksheet includes a variety of tasks to reinforce learning, such as filling in missing numbers on a track, solving reasoning questions, and correcting mistakes in sequences. Key vocabulary such as 'multiple', 'forwards', 'backwards', 'increase', and 'decrease' is highlighted to enhance understanding. To further challenge students, the sheet poses questions that require them to compare counting in 5s with counting in 50s, identify odd numbers out in a sequence, and apply logical reasoning to determine the truthfulness of statements related to counting in 50s. Through these activities, children develop their fluency, precision, and problem-solving abilities in a structured and supportive way.

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