Place value - Count in 50s - Starter

Year 3
Place value - Count in 50s - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Master the Curriculum provides a series of engaging activities for Year 3 students to practice their understanding of place value and division. The 'Fluent in Four - Revision' section focuses on quick division problems such as "36 ÷ 4" and "95 ÷ 5", which are designed to reinforce students' fluency in basic arithmetic operations. As part of the exercises, children are also tasked with adding comparison symbols to ensure mathematical statements are correct. For instance, they might determine how many lollipops are distributed evenly among children, fostering their division skills in a practical context.

The exercises extend beyond numerical calculations to include logical reasoning and ordering tasks. Students are asked to arrange numbers in descending order, fostering their understanding of numerical value. Additionally, they are given real-life scenarios, such as sharing lollipops among a group of children, to apply their division skills in a tangible way. The materials also incorporate word problems and data interpretation questions, like determining the number of vehicles seen or comparing the mass of different objects using terms like 'more' or 'less'. These activities are designed to build a strong foundation in key mathematical concepts while keeping the learning process interactive and enjoyable for Year 3 pupils.

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