Place value - Number line to 100 - Presentation

Year 3
Place value - Number line to 100 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a presentation centred around place value, Lesson 8 focuses on using a number line to understand and practice comparing and ordering numbers up to 100. The lesson revisits key concepts such as how to compare and order numbers effectively. Students are encouraged to participate in discussions that explore the functions of a number line and how it can be a valuable tool for arranging numbers in sequence. The teaching slides are designed to prompt learners to think critically about the position of numbers on the line and how this visual representation aids in grasping the concept of numerical order.

The activities within the lesson involve practical exercises where students are asked to circle and order sets of numbers on a number line. For example, they may be given the numbers 35, 33, and 41, and instructed to arrange them from smallest to largest, using the number line as a guide. This hands-on approach not only solidifies their understanding of place value but also demonstrates the utility of a number line in visualising and verifying the correct order of numbers. Additionally, the lesson includes independent work where students must use clues to find specific numbers and explain their reasoning, further enhancing their comprehension of place value and the application of base 10 in confirming the accuracy of their number sequences.

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