Place value - Number line to 100 - Planning

Year 3
Place value - Number line to 100 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In Year 3, during the Autumn term's second week of Place Value, students are introduced to the concept of number lines up to 100. This lesson, which is the seventh in the series, provides a practical approach to understanding how to order numbers from the smallest to the greatest and vice versa. To facilitate this learning, resources such as chalk, worksheets, and a presentation are employed. Key vocabulary terms such as 'less', 'fewer', 'more', 'greater', and 'compare' are highlighted, along with the concept of partitioning and using inequality symbols. The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning and moves on to a practical group work activity where children can utilise bead strings or chalk on the playground to visually represent and order numbers on a number line.

During the practical exercise, children work in small groups, rolling dice to generate two-digit numbers and then placing these numbers on the number line, taking care to order and compare them correctly. They are encouraged to use sentence stems previously taught to articulate their reasoning. Activities are designed to build fluency in ordering numbers and to develop reasoning skills through the use of concrete representations. The lesson concludes with a plenary that reinforces the learning objectives and addresses any common misconceptions, such as the importance of zero as a placeholder and the need to compare digits in the largest place value first. The 'Give me five' reflection exercise prompts students to consider what they have learned, the skills they have used and found challenging, and the strategies that have supported their learning, ensuring they remember the key points of the lesson.

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