Place value - Numbers to 1,000 - Presentation

Year 3
Place value - Numbers to 1,000 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a comprehensive presentation aimed at enhancing students' understanding of place value with numbers up to 1,000, the lesson begins with an engaging discussion on what the students already know about these numbers. The class is then introduced to a series of activities that revolve around the concept of base 10 representation. In the first activity, students are presented with various numbers and are tasked with writing down each number as represented in base 10. This exercise reinforces the importance of the position of digits in determining the value of a number and leads to a critical thinking question about whether the order in which a number is built affects its final value.

As the lesson progresses, students explore different ways of using base 10 representations, including drawing them or using physical base 10 blocks, to represent higher numbers such as 700, 120, 407, and even 999. They are prompted to discuss their preferences between drawing and using base 10 blocks and to consider the limitations of having more than nine of the same object in one place value. Further activities encourage students to complete part-whole models and to help characters like Zach and Malachi with their number drawings. The lesson concludes with reasoning challenges, where students must deduce missing amounts in base 10 representations and compare different ways numbers like 210 can be constructed, highlighting the flexibility within the place value system.

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