Place value - Hundreds - Presentation

Year 3
Place value - Hundreds - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The lesson on place value with a focus on hundreds is designed to enhance students' understanding of counting in large numbers. It begins with a discussion about what students already know about hundreds. Then, using practical tools such as bundles of straws grouped in tens, bead strings, and base 10 equipment, students explore the concept that ten tens make one hundred. This hands-on activity encourages them to count in tens to reach one hundred, reinforcing their understanding of place value. Students practice by filling in the blanks in sentences that help them articulate their counting, such as "There are _______ tens in one hundred," which they complete while counting.

Further activities involve applying this knowledge to real-life contexts, such as determining the total number of sweets in jars when each jar contains one hundred sweets. Students are asked to write their answers in both numerals and words, for example, "300" and "Three hundred," to ensure they can express quantities in different forms. The lesson also includes number track exercises where students fill in missing numbers when counting in hundreds, both forwards and backwards. Reasoning questions challenge students to think critically about place value, such as whether counting in hundreds always results in even numbers and how the ones and hundreds columns change during this process. Through these varied activities, students deepen their comprehension of place value related to hundreds.

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