Place value - Hundreds - Worksheet

Year 3
Place value - Hundreds - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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This worksheet, aimed at reinforcing the concept of place value with a focus on hundreds, is designed for young learners to practice counting in multiples of 100. To facilitate this, children are provided with practical equipment such as straws, base ten blocks, and place value counters to visualize and understand the composition of hundreds. The National Curriculum objective is straightforward: to count from 0 in multiples of 100. The resources for the lesson include differentiated sheets and teaching slides to cater to varying levels of student proficiency.

Throughout the lesson, children are encouraged to use their knowledge of counting in tens to transition to counting in hundreds, recognizing that 10 tens make 100 and 100 ones also make 100. Vocabulary such as 'place value', 'hundreds', 'numerals', 'represent', 'multiples', and 'digits' are introduced to deepen their understanding. Key questions prompt students to think critically about the numbers they create and what the digits within these numbers represent. The worksheet includes exercises where children fill in missing numbers on a hundreds number track, compare numbers using comparison symbols, and tackle reasoning tasks that challenge them to count from different starting points, always relating back to the central concept of counting in hundreds.

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